Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grandma's Laundry

Update 04/10/10: Photo scanned-in in colour, removed dust etc. with clone tool. Unsure whether it will be cropped.

This is a photograph of my grandmother, she owned (and worked in, and lived in) a laundry- a bit of an outdated cliche for a chinese woman, but still, true. The washing-machine in the background was an accident, (sadly she no longer lives in a laundry- she lives in a three-bedroom terrace instead) but it seemed to suggest the story. Taken on a Bronica ETR, using 120 Fujifilm 400iso colour film, unfortunately, can't get the negatives to colour till I get back to Uni. Will scan in in colour with better resolution when I get back.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010